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The Surprising Ways Beauty Sleep Can Benefit Your Life

Beauty Sleep

If you’re a chronic late sleeper, you might have been wondering why it’s such a big deal to stay in bed until 10 or 11 am. Especially if all your friends and most of the world seem to think it’s normal, who cares? There are actually some pretty good reasons why those extra hours of sleep are worth the wait! Here are some awesome benefits for getting your beauty sleep.

1. Decrease In Inflammation

The body’s immune system is dependent on sleep for proper function. Increased inflammation can lead to the development and progression of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis, so we need adequate amounts of sleep for optimal health.

7-8 hours of sleep is sufficient for an individual.

2. Reduced Risk Of Heart Disease

One study showed that getting less than 6 hours of sleep per night increased the risk of arterial plaque by almost 30%. Decrease in diabetes risk studies show that getting inadequate amounts of sleep results in decreased insulin sensitivity, which puts you at a higher risk for diabetes.

3. Reduces Depression Risk

People suffering from depression have a lower chance to receive sufficient sleep. Inadequate sleep can contribute to or even cause depression because it is associated with decreased levels of certain neurotransmitters that regulate mood.  People who sleep less than 5 hours per night are twice as likely to develop depression as those who get 8 hours. A lack of sleep also makes you 2 times more likely to commit suicide.

4. Enhanced Memory & Problem- Solving Abilities

Neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley found that sleep helps us to consolidate memories, which explains why you might feel like you are “in a fog” when you’re sleep-deprived.

5. Decrease In Appetite

A lack of sleep can cause fatigue and increase stress hormones that interfere with the body’s ability to process glucose properly. This results in an intense craving for carbohydrates that can lead to weight gain if not curbed by proper nutrition. Increase in pain tolerance, lack of sleep decreases your body’s ability to deal with pain and can make even the smallest injuries feel worse than they really are.

6. Increased Risk For Stroke

Getting less than the recommended 6+ hours of sleep increases your chances of having a stroke by 50%. Reduction in dermatitis decreases skin hydration and dryness can cause dermatitis, eczema, and other skin conditions. Increased risk of obesity, a study of 14,000 people found that increased sleep duration was associated with lower body weight.

7. Increase In Mortality

Those who get less than 6 hours of sleep per night have a higher mortality rate due to all causes, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, and accidents. Decrease in brain function, according to a study published by the National Institute of Health, the brain is not capable of functioning at full capacity without a sufficient amount of sleep. And losing one night’s sleep can lead to cognitive impairment on the following day.

8. Increased Risk For Alzheimer’s Disease

Research from Sweden has linked regular “microsleep” bursts during the day to cognitive impairment and an increased risk for developing Alzheimer’s Disease. Decreased effectiveness at work, according to a study done by the National Sleep Foundation, sleep-deprived employees are less productive, more irritable, and have trouble getting along with others.

9. Delays Aging Process

Inadequate amounts of sleep can suppress the immune system which makes you more likely to get sick, especially as you age. When you feel sick more often it is difficult to stay active and this can lead to weight gain and osteoporosis. Increased risk of cancer, a study by the University found that those who do not get enough sleep are at an increased risk for cancer.

10. Decreased Energy Levels

Lack of sleep is associated with decreased levels of certain hormones that increase energy. Increased pain sensitivity, when you are tired, it becomes difficult to ignore the pain from injuries and other discomforts.

11. Increase In Stress

Not enough sleep will make you feel tired, cranky, and out of control, which can make you more susceptible to stress. According to research from Michigan State University, a lack of sleep also makes people more susceptible to catching colds and other illnesses because stress lowers immune function. Not sleeping properly can be the effects of sagging in matters.

12. Increased Risk Of Stroke

A study of over 1,000 men and women found that those who got less than 6 hours of sleep per night were 3 times more likely to have a stroke than those who averaged 7-8 hours. Decreased effectiveness at work, the National Sleep Foundation reports that sleep-deprived workers are more likely to make mistakes, take longer to complete tasks, make errors, and have difficulty functioning in highly stressful situations. Also at a higher risk for developing stomach ulcers.

13. Decrease In Muscle Mass And Strength

Lack of sleep is associated with increased levels of stress hormones that decrease protein synthesis which causes a drop in muscle mass and strength. Increase in heart problems, a study of almost 70,000 women found that those who slept less than 5 hours per night had a 22% increased risk of developing heart disease. Decrease in bone density, over the course of a lifetime, long term lack of sleep has been associated with an increased risk for fractures and osteoporosis.

14. Increased Testosterone Levels

Those who get less than 6 hours of sleep show decreased levels of testosterone. And for men and women both, more testosterone means an increase in muscle mass, lower cholesterol, reduced risk for prostate cancer and osteoporosis.


There have been times when we wake up from an exhausting night, and everything appears boring, dull, unpleasant, or boring. However, we’ve likely been through those times when we awake with a positive attitude and a smile, and a sense of optimism. A recent Italian study suggests that our perception regarding the universe around us is influenced a lot by how well we’re sleeping.

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